CTS Chemistry
<tc>C-11E Cleaner for cleaning elevations</tc>
It is an alkaline substance, made on the basis of selected organic and inorganic additives, to remove long-term mineral and organic dirt of fatty origin, soot, algae, fungi, moss, wax,
honeydew, leaf traces and mud.
The agent also washes lubricants effectively as well as polymer and communication dirt.
Application area
C-11E Cleaner is a cleaning agent intended for manual and mechanical cleaning of
plasters: silicone, acrylic, silicate, mineral, silicone-silicate, facades painted with facade
paints and made of concrete, brick, natural stone, clinker, ceramic tiles, siding, metal and
Slightly foaming. For use on new and old surfaces.
Application instructions
Due to the material diversity of surfaces to be cleaned, before cleaning, a test should be
made in a hardly visible place to check whether there is an unwanted reaction, e.g.
The washed surface must not be hot.
Before using the cleaning agent, the surface to be cleaned should be slightly moistened
with water.
Application temperature: from + 5 ° C to + 30 ° C.
Hand washing.
The surface to be washed should be moistened with clean water and wait 1-2 minutes.
The prepared solution of the selected concentration should be applied to the washed
surface with a hand sprayer, a foam sprayer or a brush with soft, flexible bristles.
Then, after about 2-3 minutes, rinse the surface intensively with clean water, preferably under pressure. Small areas can
be washed with a soft, flexible bristle brush and rinsed with water.
C-11E concentrate dilute with water according to the scheme:
1. Hand washing (sprayers, foamers, brushes)
a/ light soiling - 30-50 ml per 1 litre of water
b/ medium dirt - 100-200 ml per 1 litre of water
c/ heavy soiling - 300-400 ml per 1 litre of water
2. Pressure washing (pressure washers) - 10-20 ml per 1 litre of water
a/It is imperative to test the facade's response to high pressure.
b/If water pressure from the washer damages the facade, it should not be washed using this technology.
Comments and recommendations
The substance in the form of a concentrate.
The general safety rules should be applied in accordance with the safety data sheet.
Before cleaning, you should be stocked up on safety equipment: goggles and protective gloves.
The contact of the C-11E Cleaner with materials not resistant to alkali action is not allowed.
Irritating to skin and eyes. A prolonged contact with the substance may damage eyes / skin.
Keep away from children.
The information contained in the manual is intended to ensure optimal use of the product, however, it does not constitute
the basis for legal liability of the Manufacturer, as the conditions of performance are beyond its control.
The product includes:
Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated, propan-2-ol, sodium hydroxide.
Technical data
- an aqueous, colourless solution
- density approx. 1 kg / dm3
- pH of the concentrate approx. 11.5
- pH of the working liquid approx. 9-10
- smell characteristic of detergents
Packaging: 1 litre bottle and 5 litre bottle
Expiry date
Use the substance within 36 months from the production date shown on the packaging. The material should be
stored and transported in tightly closed, original packaging, in dry conditions and at a temperature between +
5 ° C and + 30 ° C. Protect against overheating. The water-based product freezes below 0 ° C.