CTS Chemistry
<tc>SM-1 Solvent-based sealer for marble</tc>
Long-lasting effect against dirt SUPER ANTI-STAIN,
Does not increase slipperiness of the surface,
SM-1 is manufactured on the basis of resins and aromatized organic solvents. SM-1 penetrates deeply into the structure of the substrate, bonds with it permanently and gives a resistant layer.
Sealer not affect the physicochemical properties of the original substrate. The SM-1 sealer protects the substrate against the ingress of dirt, grease, sugar solutions and oil, which extends the service life.
Surface treated by SM-1 is resistant to:
pH of the cleaning agents used, ranging from pH 5 to pH 9,
UV radiation, acid rain, the formation of algae, mold, lichen, moss and seaweed.
The coating is frost-resistant.
Application area
all substrates made of marble, on which waxes, rinse aids, polymer coatings and fat are not applied.
product can be used on both indoor and outdoor surfaces,
for old and new surfaces
The method of cleaning the substrate should be adjusted individually for the given facility and the condition of the material to be impregnated.
Before application, the surface should be cleaned of dirt, dust, patina, loose elements, salt efflorescence and residues of paint coats.
The substrate must be dry. Never apply SM-1 to wet or damp surfaces.
Any adjacent surfaces not being treated with the product must be protected.
Note. Impregnation should not be performed on surfaces with high salinity, as this may lead to intensification of the crystallization process of construction salts and destruction of the substrate material.
SM–1 is a ready to use product. DO NOT DILUTE.
Regardless of the absorbency features of the substrate, it is applied once – as one thicker layer, which gives the impregnating agent time to penetrate and bind to the substrate. As it dries, the hydro- and oleophobic effect occur.
Before impregnation, protect all places that should not come into contact with the impregnating agent / plastic floorboards, aluminium profiles, carpets, furniture, etc./.
Application process:
surfaces to be impregnated should be impregnated in stripes towards the exit of a room,
apply the impregnating agent with a soft roller – by applying one, evenly distributed layer, by approx. 1 mm. thick.
residues of the impregnating agent should be removed after 45 minutes with a soft cloth or a soft pad.
after another 60 min. polish the impregnated surface - manually or mechanically, using a soft material- wool cotton cloth.
after polishing, it is not allowed to step on the impregnated surface, wash it, put furniture and other objects on it for 72 hours.
During the time of performing the impregnation and for a period of 72 hours after its completion, ensure good ventilation of the room.
Comments and recommendations
During impregnation, please do not: smoke, drink alcohol or eat meals.
Use typical skin and eye protection equipment /protective gloves and goggles/.
Warning: in the event of imprecise removal of the impregnating agent, e.g. shoe marks, knee pads, inaccurate polishing, etc., they will be visible after curing.
After 8 hours from applying the impregnating agent, removing its sticky residues, traces, etc. will not be possible.
The time required for full curing of the impregnating sealer SM-1 is up to 72 hours, at the ambient temperature of +20°C and the relative humidity of 65%.
This information constitutes the basic guidelines for the use of the product and does not release from the obligation to perform work in accordance with the principles of art of the construction, conservation guidelines and health and safety regulations.
Do not apply during rain or frost and when surface and air temperature is < 5°C and > 30°C.
Before application, we recommend testing the product on a small, unexposed area.
The product contains:
hydrocarbons, C9-C11, n-alkanes, azoalkanes, cyclic, <2% aromatics
Technical specifications
Product density: approx. 0.9 kg / dm³
Odour: characteristic of solvents
Colour: colourless
Rain resistance: after 72 hours
Water absorption coefficient: Wd <0.1 kg / m2 x h1 / 2 or <7.5% acc. PN-EN 1504-2 / EN 13580 /
Water vapor diffusion resistance: Sd = 0.0 [m]
CT Service S.A. ul. Jedności 9 05-506 Lesznowola t: 22 750 20 66 m: office@ctschemistry.com
Alkali resistance - measured with water absorption according to PN-EN 1504-2 / EN 13580 <10%
Penetration depth:> 1 mm, measured according to EN 14630
Drying rate factor class 2 to 1 / depending on the degree of absorption / water absorption
substrate /, measured according to EN 13579
Consumption: Depending on the roughness of the substrate, method of application, drying conditions and
penetration - 1 liter is sufficient for approx. 20 m²
Application temperature: from + 10 ° C to + 25 ° C
Available packaging
Expiry date: Up to 36 months of storage at temperatures >+ 0°C to < 35°C, in original unopened manufacturer's packaging. Water-based product = it freezes at temperatures < 0°C.